
One Time For The Single Girls!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I have a boyfriend. A beau. A bae. A partner. A significant other if you will. A man. But I am not married, therefore, I am considered a single woman. And that is fine that I am viewed by society as single, because technically....I am. I am unattached. I have no ring. Or marriage license.

I am content with the fact that society views me as such, but what I cannot get over are some of the friends or acquaintances that are hitched (and some that are NOT) that give you the "poor you" look. As if the fact that me and my honey are not married and are simply dating is a problem. The ladies without boyfriends need to know us gals with significant others STILL get those looks or questions (and if you're single you know what I mean). Let me back up for a minute....Honey (my boyfriends nickname) and I have been dating for five years. And I know as you're reading this you're probably giving me the "poor you" look. Insert rolled eyes.....(HERE).

But anywho, we are the happiest of people and it only gets better when we see each other. We began dating our junior(ish) year of college and no, we did not go to the same college. Fast forwarding...due to jobs and law school, we have only been in the same city while dating for a full year of the five. Now I am back in our home town and this will be the second year we are together. I am content with our relationship and I know one day when the time is right, it'll be our time. And if that time never comes, then I will cherish the time I had with him and push forth.

Down to the skinny....It is so annoying when people ask, "when are you getting married" or "he is for sure going to propose on *this* day". Like seriously?! When you say things like that, you can put unseen pressure on both parties. And honestly, its very awkward and I think rude. It's none of your business, so don't ask and definitely do not give the "poor you" look because you have no idea what is going on in that relationship.

So I say this to all my fellow single girls, live your life! Do not fall into the trap of what others think about you or your relationship. Do not have a timeline for your life because life has a way of ruining your plans. You must live for yourself and make yourself happy. In the great words of Whitney Houston, "I love ya, but I can't live for ya!".

Oh, and to all the legally married on paper people and not to mention the nosy people who feed off of other people's business.....take heed to this blog post. No hate towards you guys, but I am just past it. That's my story and I am sticking to it.

1 comment:

  1. First let me start by apologizing because I'am one of those Married people that ask "when are you going to get married?" I never knew how the person /couple would feel when I would ask that question. I would never want to come off as rude ever! I humbly apologize. I only would ask a family member / friend that question because I see the happiness between the couple and I know how marriage is to me it is amazing and full of love for me so I want that for them(can't help it I love love 😍). BUT I understand when you said you have to live life the way you want, and enjoy it the way you want. So I will totally let the question ride, and just enjoy seeing the couple happy and full of love.


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