
I'm not crazy, I'm an only child

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

As you can see from the title, I am an only child.
And as a child, I enjoyed being an only child...probably because I didn't know any better.
However, I think it has been a blessing and a curse to be an only child and for two reasons; 1 blessing being that I have an incredibly vivid imagination and the curse, when my parents and paternal Grandmother pass away it will only be me left.
As a child I had cousins to play with but when I went home, it was just me. When I would be alone in my room, I would often make believe I had many friends, I even had an imaginary friend as a child. Life was great! But this imaginary make believe friend thing didn't stop a child, I mean.
When I am alone, I may still have imaginary....ok, I still imagine I have friends that I really don't have, but its not on the level you may initially think. Let me explain this further, because I am sure someone is like Tamia is a certified loon! LOL
The people I imagine are my friends are celebrities. I'm sure I am not the only one who does this! Celebrities have taken over mass media, so they're every where! I follow a few on social media mostly to understand who they really are as people and not the full persona they often display.
So as you can see, I'm not crazy...or am I? Who cares. I am me.
There is no obsession with these celebs, from what I see on their social media accounts I think we would mesh well as friends.
In no particular order here are the celebs I think I would mesh well with:
  • Ruby Rose "Model, Actress & Bad Ass" - I feel like me and Ruby would go to cool concerts and dress very fashionable but look like we really didn't try, even though we put a little effort into our wardrobe and hair. She looks so cool and carefee in all of her instagram photos and I think that is so bad ass.
  • Taraji P. Henson "THE Cookie Lyons" - So, Taraji would be my friend that's more like an Aunty. She would give me great advice about life and how to conquer it. She is killing the game right now, and I feel like she is so humble and would gladly take on the Aunty role for me. LOL
  • Trinity Fatu and Eva Marie "Sexy & Strong" -  This is a two for one combo. These ladies are wrestlers and I love looking at their ig pages because they make being strong look so sexy! They would be my gym friends, we would go to the gym and lift and they would hold me accountable for everything that I eat. And I would probably do everything they said because, they could beat me and Honey up at the same time. YIKES!
  • B. Scott "Mr. or Ms. Know it all" - Ok, so hands down B. Scott is going to be my good Judy! Judy meaning my fabulous, androgynous and funny friend. He is flawless, humble and he always brings the tea! Plus, he is really good friends with Mariah Carey!!! So, I am sure I would meet her...duh! LOL
  • Rihanna "Dance Hall Queen" - So Ri would be my crazy party gal friend! We would hit all the hot spots and just have fun. When I want to let my hair down, I would call her. (For obvious reasons, that don't need to be stated)
  • Kim K. "Ya'll Already Know" - I love to hate her, but I have to say I have always admired her style. Even before Kanye and Kris! LOL I don't like what she stands for, but I like her outfit of the days for sure. So, she would only be used when I was going some where and needed some fashion advice.
  • Courtney Kerr "Southern Fashionista" - We have that southern twang, she dresses to the T's, and she seems like a good ol' southern girl. I think we would be really good friends for all these reasons.
  • Tokimonsta "Producer & DJ" - Her shows look so fun! Her music is amazing and it would be so cool to see how she gets her inspiration. (Honey and I are going to see her next month!!)
  • Latoya Forever "YouTube Sensation" - In her vlogs, she is so down to earth. She is just a twenty-something year old living life with her husband, kid and framily (friends and family). She is the reason I want to vlog my life experiences...and stay tuned for that because its going down very soon!
Now these are only a few, I have like a zillion others but this blog would be super long! The moral of this story is, never lose your imagination. As adults, we often forget what its like to be an adolescent, teenager, and young adult. And that happens with age because we have so much on our plates, but remember to never stop having fun...even if you're alone.
Who is your imaginary friend? It can be a celebrity or even someone you admire from afar. Leave a comment below. :-)
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