
Dear Twenty Year Old Self

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

This is me at Twenty making the weird face...Don't ask why...Still don't know

I am BIG fan of the talk show, "The Real" and todays (yesterday in your case) episode had a segment where they each took a turn and gave advice to their Twenty year old self. I identified with each of these women's advice to their former selves and I decided that I would write a letter to my Twenty year old self too.

Dear Twenty Year Old Mimi,

First off I would like to ease your mind with the fear of not being successful because success cannot be measured by material things. It can only be measured by the happiness you obtain by doing what you love. So it will take you some time but you will find true happiness which will be the biggest success you could ever imagine.

Let go of petty grudges sooner rather than later because you are only hurting yourself in the end. Also let go of the "High School Sweetheart" he didn't know how to treat you, in high school and he definitely does not in college. It will hurt, but trust me you will live. Open up to new people, don't focus on one boy while at school, meet new faces not just boys but girls too. Don't be shy to say hello to someone. Instead of awkwardly meeting new friends in the future that you never talked to in college, meet them sooner because you formed some great bonds in your adulthood.

Listen to your mother and father more....yes, they are "old" but they have been twenty before and can teach you things and also prevent you from making the same mistakes they may have made.

People come and people go but remain close with your family. In the end, they will be the only ones you can rely on.

When B.Wynn approaches you and says he likes you, don't brush him off all the time....oddly enough, he ends up being your soul mate. Crazy...I know...I am still in awe of this lol

Continue to work hard because regardless of what you hear or think, you will graduate and have a job waiting when you graduate....actually you will start work a week before you graduate....and you do get into law school, it won't be at Central but you will be happy there....for awhile.

Basically, meet new people; cherish your family; have fun and just be twenty because it goes by fast.

Live, love and laugh as much as you can and you will be fine.

What would you say to your twenty year old self? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you.


  1. Dear Twenty Year Old Tam,

    By this time you are at the rear end of your Sophomore year in college. You've made some new friends, but do not forget about your high school friends. Call them more often to catch up and hang out with them when you can. With your new friends, do not lose yourself. It's so easy to pick up habits and ways of the people you associate yourself with. Remain true to you and what is right.

    Right now you are struggling with a major that you have absolutely no interest in so change your major now! Don't worry about not finishing on time or your mom's opinion to stick with it. You're not doing your best so do what's best for you.

    You're still attending church faithfully every Sunday even though you are partying Thursday-Saturday lol. Remember your teachings, keep in contact with those who will really pray for you, stay close to your brother & sisters in Christ, and put Him first.

    Save money! Save money! Save money! I can't stress that enough. Those refund checks are nice and all but once you blow that money you'll never get it back. You'll definitely see how important it is down the road to save and don't waste it.

    There will be someone you turned down that will come back around and you'll be so glad you gave them a chance this time :)

    Continue to grow and learn. I know you'll do well!

    Love Your 27 Year Old Self,

    1. Thank you for commenting to your 20 year old self! We had a lot in common at 20 so I related a lot! lol Save money save money...was my favorite part.

    2. You're welcome MiMi! I enjoy your blog!


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