
Old New Friend

Friday, January 16, 2015

After not being on Facebook for literally YEARS! I was coerced into getting one due to my business. Which in hindsight was an amazing idea....shout out to Alisha!

While being back on the "book", I have become friends with people I have not seen since high school or college and I guess that's pretty good. However, I checked my friend requests one day and found that my very first friend ever in life requested me as a friend! You can imagine how surprised I was when I saw it because I had not seen or heard from her since early high school.

We met at daycare. So we were extremely young, I would say about 3 years old when we became sandbox buddies. We were so freaking adorbs and not to mention the last three letters of my name is her first name! So how freaking cute is that?! The way my neck of the woods (referring to grade school) worked was you went to Guilford Primary from Kindergarten until you were in the 2nd grade. And that's where we went. Little babies off to big school and we had classes together and still were buds. Once 2nd grade is up, you go to the BIG KID school which was Guilford Middle. And don't ask why they do this because there is no real answer that I can give you. I guess because we weren't considered in the "city" and we were considered "county kids". But anyway we continued a friendship from the 3rd grade until the 8th grade (the years you are at Guilford Middle).

Once we became teenagers and it was time to move over to the high school, Western Guilford, I was no longer allowed to go to the county schools because my district was considered the city and therefore I had to go to Ben L. Smith. I HATED this because I had not only gone to school with these kids since kindergarten but some since daycare! These were my friends, and I knew people who were already at the high school. And who wants to start over making new friends in HIGH SCHOOL?! The time that is very confusing and all you want is to have a familiar face around you.

But anyway Guilford County schools gave no f*$ks about that! lol And off to Smith I went. Lonely, scared and friendless.

So back to the topic...the fact that she reached out for just a simple friend request was so amazing because I have had no contact with her in 13 years...that's high school (I did make friends...go figure), college and I have been out of college for going on 5 years.

Tomorrow we are meeting up to catch up over dinner. I am so excited and I cannot wait to see her and to hear how her life has panned out after all these years. She still lives in town and now I do too so maybe I get to befriend my old friend again.

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