
QUESTION: Can You Ever Really Escape Your Past?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Past: Gone by in time; no longer existing.

You would think the past is just that, The. Past. But unfortunately, people don't like to let you forget your hiccups in life. And in other cases, we won't let go of our past. I mean everyone has a past and if you don't think you do, you haven't grown out of your past....

My question is simple, yet complex all at the same time. Let me break it you can see above is the definition of the word "Past", it is something that has gone by (past tense) in time which in other words means, no longer existing. Now if something is past tense, that means it's already happened/ taken place, it's outdated and it may or may not even be relevant anymore.

 Having said that, why do you think people hold on to the past of other's? And better yet, why can't we let ourselves free from our past and know that, that was just a stage in our lives and not who we are?

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Author: Unknown

Sometimes you'll just be too much woman.
Too smart, too sexy, too strong.
Too bold, too beautiful, too real.
Too much of something that makes a man feel like less of a man,
which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman to be with that man.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a woman is removing jewels from your crown to make it easier for a man to carry.
You do not need a smaller crown.
You need a man with bigger hands.
I am not sure who wrote the poem that's above, but what I do know the truth that lies behind it. In today's society, women endure a lot. And if you are a woman of color, you endure the most out of any other woman (my opinion)...but I am not writing about the different races of women and who has the hardest trials to deal with in life, because we all have our struggles. This blog is about uniting women. All women. We need a lot more of that these days.
These days, I just want to uplift each other, everyone is a phenomenal woman in her own way. For a long time I wouldn't let my light shine because I wanted to fit in with a certain group of people. And I have been guilty of dulling my light for the likes of a man or should I say boy, because I real man will never allow you to dull your light for him. Now I am not ashamed of these things because its something that I had to learn on my own. At my own time. When I was ready. You get the picture.

My Story

I was in a relationship that was toxic. We were oil and water but since that's all we knew, we stuck with it. I always say I never really had the freshman college experience because I was consumed with what he was doing and I didn't want to stray to far away from him. I dimmed my light so much to the point that I wasn't the fun loving, easy going person I had once been. I wasn't out going, I had lost my edge. I quit the cheerleading squad two days before the first game (even though I only had to tryout the first day, because I made the team...the first day!!! This is college cheerleading...I dreamed of this) because I wouldn't be able to go home as I pleased...basically to see him. All I have to say is hind sight is 20/20.
There is a lot more to this story about "him" but I'll keep it very cute and simply say, I got tired! I got tired of being alone in my dorm room when my friends were out having fun. I got tired of not doing the things I wanted to do because I was afraid I wouldn't gain acceptance. And I was tired of dulling my light down to make someone else feel like he was "the man"....PLEASE!
One day I looked in the mirror and I realized the woman I wanted to be and I realized that I was the only one who could hold me back from becoming that phenomenal woman who shines so bright. I will never dull my light again for anyone. Male. Female. It doesn't matter who the person is.
I am no therapist, psychologist, shrink...whatever you want to say, and I don't have all the answers out of life or maybe even in this topic but what I do know is that I will always be true to myself. I want every woman out here to know that she is worth it. She is worth whatever she envisions, desires for herself or wants. You don't have to let your light be dimmed for a man or anyone else who wants to shade your shine.
We are all Queens and we all have phenomenal traits and attributes to relinquish upon society in our own way. We just need to look deep within ourselves and each other to allow our lights to shine.
I hope you let your light shine and if you see someone else dimming their light to fit into a situation, instead of overlooking her, take her by the hand and encourage her. Tell her how bright her light can be. And if you don't have the words to say it, direct her to this blog. I am currently in the business of encouraging.


No Apologies

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bird, Broken, Brown, Chicken, Close-Up
Have you ever walked on egg shells for someone? I have and let me tell you, it's not a great feeling at all. It's like you can't really be yourself and allow your inner light to shine. I am the type of person that does not want to hurt or offend anyone. That's not my steez,'s just not me.

Well in some of my blogs, I have had more than one person check with me to see if I were speaking of them and I guess that comes along with the territory when you freely write and publish your thoughts. I was ready for that, I am not a confrontational person but I am a straight shooter and if there is an issue, I will almost always address the situation....if it bothers me.

I am not new to this writing thing, however, I am new to this blogging thing and at times I find myself censoring my thoughts and even some of my blog topics. Partially because I don't want to offend anyone with my views or opinions on certain topics and really, I just don't want to seem weird. But after my conversation with my Fairy Blog Mother....I am sure she is tired of me calling her that, but to be honest....she is. Checkout her blog out at The Alisha Nicole She has encouraged me beyond measure and I appreciate her for that. (SHAMELESS PLUG) Who knew five years after college she would have a successful mega brand and I would be following in her footsteps.

But back on topic, I have decided today that if my content or thoughts offend people or you find it unappealing...please excuse yourself. I am no longer walking on egg shells for anyone and just like a blogger I just met said in one of her recent blogs, I have a voice now and it won't be silenced. (WhoIsAmberJanae? ) After reading her latest blog post and listening to Alisha, my fairy blog mother....(I think at this point I just like saying that lol) I have decided to voice my opinion's freely because, this blogging stuff has seriously become a therapeutic outlet for me.

I hope I don't sound too abrasive but this has been a long time coming and I appreciate EVERYONE who takes time out of their day to read my thoughts and opinions, so don't get me wrong at all. But this is what truly makes me happy and these days....that is seriously all I want to be.

I send everyone love & light...

Happy Birthday To the First Man I Ever Loved

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I am the only child coming out of a typical two parent home. On the outside looking in, we are the typical Black American family. But on the inside, my parents are my best friends and I feel like its us against the world. There is nothing really out the ordinary about us....well there is a fun fact I love telling people about mother and father are only children as well. So you can imagine the irony in that.

Today the first man I ever loved was born. I won't display is age, even though I am sure he wouldn't care and the fact that black don't crack! tehehe

I am completely thankful for this man and all that he does for me and my mother. Some of you are like, "well he is a dad, that's his job" or some don't even know the feeling of having a dad but now that I am old enough to reflect back on how I got here and the circumstances my parents were under, it truly is a blessing that I had this amazing influence of a man in my life.

My parents had me when they were 21 and in the 80's (This always amazes me, because I reflect back to when I was 21...and lets just say I was in the club turning up on a Tuesday...LITERALLY). They were not married and really weren't in a position to have a child, as they both still lived with their parents and were babies themselves. I am sure they went through struggles and I am sure they would never tell me about them, but what I do know is that I grew up with parents and family that loved me and I never went without.

I am thankful for my mother because she ultimately brought me into the world and gave me a chance at life, but I am very thankful for my dad because in a time where it could have been so easy for him to leave us, he didn't. Not taking away from my mother at all, but today is my dad's birthday and I want to let him know I feel about him (I often don't have the words to express myself, but I can write it for days).

I am sure he had dreams and goals for his life, but he put my life and well being before any of that. He may not be perfect, but who is? But he has been the perfect Father, Dad, Faja and Jed (his nickname I often call him) to me. I am truly thankful because I have someone to show me how a man is supposed to treat a woman. And to this day, I do not accept anything less of what my father would do or treat me from a man. I am thankful for that. I am thankful he called me Princess and he made up songs to sing to me when he came home from work. And the fact that he still brings me a stuffed animal when I am sick.

 He also taught/teaches me varies things so I won't have to depend on a man. And at the time he was teaching me about my car, I didn't want to listen but now I am thankful for those times because I am a very independent person (who knows more about cars than Honey but don't tell him lol).

When I was younger I was a bit of a tomboy, I played basketball and even watched it. I remember going out for basketball and my dad took me down to the park and taught me how to shoot and dribble, when we had softball intermurals at school, he took me out and showed me how to swing and hit a ball. When he was in high school he played baseball so this was up his alley. These were all times when he worked long tiring hours, but he always had time to spend with me.

In my early developmental years, my mom had to be at work early and that left me and dad to fend for ourselves and this meant he had to get me dressed and DO MY HAIR! My dad is the best hair dresser ever. He had not mastered little girls hair until he got practice every morning for some odd years. He did however master the plat, not the braid but never the less I never left the house looking crazy. It was the best time looking back on it now, I got to eat whatever I wanted for breakfast and I think he only did this to save time and arguments.

I remember when we lived in an apartment on Parker St., I was the happiest little girl ever! I didn't realize it then, but looking back I remember my dad working different jobs trying to provide for us the best way he knew how. He is the hardest working man I know, and I think that's where I get my drive to succeed from. My father didn't have the opportunity to go to college because he had a young daughter to provide for, so I made it my purpose to go to college and graduate for both of my parents. I always tell them the diploma and the degree I received is theirs and when I moved out the house, they stayed there with them because I did that for them.

In the early 90's we moved into our very first house! This was an amazing accomplishment for young 20 something's with a child and we live here to this day. They've talked about moving, but I wouldn't dare leave this place. It means way much to me, this house represents that with hard work, dedication and due diligence (as he likes to tell me all the time) you can accomplish anything.

My dad is a living testimony of how you can pull yourself up by your boot straps and make something out of yourself when life hands you a curve ball and in his case I was the curve ball lol Today he is a successful Realtor, father and friend. I wouldn't take anything for my dad. I have so many stories of how great of a man and dad he is but something's I want to keep private, you get the jest anyway.

I have a tattoo of my dad's name over my heart, and a lot of my friend's and people in general ask me why I got it and I simply respond, "He is my heart".

Having said all of this, I want to wish my first love, my father and friend a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And I wish you many more.

If you have an amazing dad or your child has an amazing dad, shout them out! Let's celebrate amazing Father's!

This lady was so nosy!! lol but here we were at a baseball game


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In 2011 when the 50 Shades of Grey mayhem began, I was so against it. I had all of my coworkers circulating the books around calling it "Mommy Porn" and I wanted no parts of it. I am not the type who likes to jump on a bandwagon simply because everyone likes it or says its good.

I had kept up this trend for nearly four whole years until I visited my Aunt and she was raving about the series and how I should read the books. She made me take them home with me and promise that I would read them. She said I wouldn't be able to put it down....and she was right!

I was intrigued to say the least and if you read the book, I am sure I don't need to tell you why! lol So I read the trilogy within a two month span and was eager to see how the movie would play out. I am a BIG movie buff so this was perfect and terrible all rolled up in one. Perfect because I would get to see who they cast as the characters and see it actually played out and then it was terrible because when you read books the beauty of it is in your imagination and to see it played out on the big screen often takes away from your experience.

So this past Friday, I went to the movies to see it with one of my girlfriend' need to take the boys because they would ultimately ruin the lust we bottled up lol

I was surprised to see such young girls in the movie with their girlfriends looking High School age and maybe that's because the naughty books I read in High School were concealed from my parents (until now...because my mom reads my blog) and this book is known for its raunchiness.

So this is the reason for the title...

I know you are thinking where is she going with this blog and its title? Well here it I do every morning I read yahoo news, and I also read different life columns...I like to read. But I came across an excerpt from a dad whose college age daughter and friends were hyped about the movie and were excited to see if because they read the books. Now he hadn't read the books but knew the storyline like everyone else in America and abroad. He had some great advice for his daughter and her friends and in which he told them that Christian Grey is fictional character and that they may never meet a young, hot billionaire that will wine and dine them. And that the mere thought that they could ever be Anastasia Steele is absurd and that you can never change a man.

Now this sounds all brash and blunt and he didn't quite say it like that but that's the jest of it. And that made me think....

I am a realist, I don't confuse "what is" from "I think it should be". And sadly most people do this. So after reading his excerpt, I just thought about all the people who really think that they can change a person to be who they think they want. This book is great "mommy porn" but I would never take any of this to be realistic. And I think its important for young ladies to know this.

If a man shows you who he is, (women too) BELIEVE him the first time. He is never going to change. A leopard can never change its spots....remember that.

Just like Ana, she wanted Christian so badly even though he told her "I am no good for you", that she ended up causing herself pain. She was willing to go outside her box and do things she was not comfortable with to please someone who didn't give her the nurturing and respect she needed. Yes, he wined and dined her but it was all at a cost. And I won't go into detail for those who are just movie goers and have not read the book but, ultimately it cost her, her freedom. The freedom to move and go without stipulation. As well as fully knowing that he cared about her and most importantly where they stood.

Moving away from the book and back into real life, we have all tried to mold someone or thought we could be the girl to change this man, make him a better person....the person we need him to be. And this thought process is all wrong. A man will never be the person you need him to be if you are not the girl he is willing to change for. Men can and will change and become a better man, a faithful man and a God fearing man, but he won't do it for you if you are not the one.

Do not keep on chasing, and wishing this man will change and be something he is not because you will only waste your time and ultimately your feelings will be hurt. My favorite saying is, "everything will work itself out just the way it is supposed to be" and if you live by this, I promise your outlook and world will be so much better.

So your dream man may be a Christian Grey, and you can continue to chase after something that will never be or you can let that idea you have in your head go and gain knowledge of yourself, your self worth, and a man that completely shames your "Christian Grey" but you will never know if you continue to bury your head in the sand and never come up to see the beach.

Please leave comments of your thoughts about the blog or the movie....LET'S CHAT!

Valentine's Day SINGLE Guy Edition

Friday, February 13, 2015

After thinking about my initial blog with the guys in relationships, I thought it might help out some of the single girls to hear from single guys! So the following is the same concept as before, just with the input of single guys.....I must emphasize SINGLE....all grade A bachelor's!!!

Yes, I am selling my friends because they need to meet some nice young women....tehehe....ENJOY!

Meet Alan

Instagram: Sun_of_Cheryl

Q Guys aren't really into Valentine's Day and being a single guy I would assume you aren't either but in the event you are, what would be the perfect Valentine's Day?
A  Everyone knows Valentine’s Day, like her wedding, is her day, I’m just there while she enjoys it.  If it were solely up to me a nice dinner and an interactive activity (Paint & Drink or whiskey tasting) would be cool, no gift exchange

Q Although you are single...but you still acknowledge Valentine's Day with your "friends"? If you do, will you send them all the same gift?

 A I do not verbally acknowledge valentine’s day with any woman that isn’t my Girlfriend.  However, I will send my lady friends something simple to let them know I'm thinking about them.  Buying the same gift for multiple women could be problematic in the future if you were to ever get caught up, therefore you have to send a memento specific to them.  Making it specific to them, will more than likely save you money but get you extra brownie points.

Q What will you do on this upcoming Valentine's Day? Do you think you will be lonely?

 A Its all-star weekend, there will be plenty to do and plenty of women with no valentines

Q Do you wish you had a significant other in the same city?

 A Sometimes, but right now I’m focused on getting into a top ten business school. I applied to schools all over the country so having a girlfriend right now will be thrown into a tailspin come August. That being said I would love to have a significant other in the same city if I wasn’t moving this year.

Q  If you had a girlfriend what would you do for her on Valentine's Day?

 A  Early dinner, helicopter ride, drinks/dessert….

 Meet Charles

Instagram: Freshlifestyle
Q  Guys aren't really into Valentine's Day (or that's how you guys pretend to be) and being a single guy I would assume you aren't either but in the event you are, what would be the perfect Valentine's Day?
 A The perfect valentines day would be No valentines day. LOL if I had to, id say dinner somewhere nice and maybe a horse and carriage ride if it isn't too cold out.
Q Although you are single...but you still acknowledge Valentine's Day with your "friends"? (If you are casually dating)

A Yea, I'm pretty festive, so I tend to get people things I know they like, and I don't like to single people out so ill buy a box of cards and send to everyone I'm cool with. (females) 
Q What will you do on this upcoming Valentine's Day?
A This upcoming day ill be in NYC partaking in the NBA all star festivities LMAO
Q Are you into the "hype' of Valentine's Day and if you are not, do you think you would be if you had a special someone?
A I look at it as a female day so I'm not really into it, maybe if I was getting something out of the deal that I cant normally get on any other day id be more excited about it. 
Q Do you think going out to dinner on Valentine's Day with a girl who is strictly a friend sends the wrong message?
A Yes that can kind of send the wrong message, however most of the time if you go out to dinner with a female friend it will send the wrong message so I guess your screwed either way. 


 Meet Reggie

Instagram: Moneyw25
Q Guys aren't really into Valentine's Day (or that's how you guys pretend to be) and being a single guy I would assume you aren't either but in the event you are, what would be the perfect Valentine's Day?
A I guess the perfect day would be a dinner either at the house or out (her choice) and just chillin out being together
Q Although you are single...but you still acknowledge Valentine's Day with your "friends"? (If you are casually dating)

A No. Most, if not all, of my friends are married or in relationships so they do their own thing but I never celebrated it with anybody other than a significant other
Q What will you do on this upcoming Valentine's Day?
A I'll be at the house chilling and watching TV or making beats. Definitely something not Valentine's Day related
Q Are you into the "hype' of Valentine's Day and if you are not, do you think you would be if you had a special someone?
A might be different if I had somebody but it would be more to make them happy because I like seeing other people happy even if I'm not too into that kind of stuff.
Q Do you think going out to dinner on Valentine's Day with a girl who is strictly a friend sends the wrong message?

A Yes, especially if you're not into them but they might be or vice versa. It gives false hope especially on a day when people are extra sensitive. I wouldn't do it and would rather be alone

Go follow these amazing guys on Instagram!

Valentine's Day: Men's Edition

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Being a woman, I often wonder what men think about Valentine's Day. Like do they get excited? Do they plan months in advance? Like what is really on their minds!!?

So I asked three men that are at different stages in their life and relationships a few questions that us girls may NEED to know....and I am completely being funny when I say NEED..its more of a want to know basis.

The First Time Valentine's Guy

 Brandon & Lily

 Q Do you feel pressured to go all out for this Valentine's Day since its your first time spending Valentine's Day together?
 A Absolutely. With this being our very first Valentine's Day together I feel like I have to make a lasting impression. Our anniversary is also a week after Valentine's Day so yeah, there's some pressure on me to get this right.

Q Are you allowing her to make plans or are you taking the initiative to plan something without her knowledge?
 A If she would like to make plans, there's no way I'd stifle her. Let's combine ideas and make the day more impactful and fun.
Q Is it important to you to receive a gift from her?

 A Not at all. It would be a surprise. 

Q What is your idea of an amazing Valentine's Day?A Uninterrupted time alone with the woman I love. Free from any distractions, and lots of snacks.
Q Most guys aren't into Valentine's Day, but since you have a special someone, are you more excited this go round?
 A I'm super excited. I'm looking at it as a primer for the following week, which, as I mentioned is our anniversary.  The timing of it all keeps me abreast.

Q Describe your idea of an amazing Valentine's Day...(sort of asked this one twice but he was a trooper and answered it again...hehehe)
A Seeing the woman I love smile all day would be amazing. And also taking time to reach out to those I love and to let them know that they're loved and appreciated.

The Two Years In Guy's Valentine's Day

Curtis & Bre

 Q What did you do for the first V-day together?
A Last V-day we spent in charlotte at Maggiano's an Italian cuisine in south park area, I was working so we didn’t do as much as I would have liked but I make up for it daily
Q Do you get excited about V-day? Will you let her plan?
A Yes I get excited about making my partner smile from ear to ear every time, but V-day is when you should go that extra mile to give her wrinkles on her face. She honestly do have a say so, but as of planning she don’t have much say on the particular activities.
Q  How will you top last year?
A I top myself with every single holiday. It’s about stepping out the box and re-inventing yourself every time. BE SPONTANEOUS that’s the key. Do things you know you would never do that usually adds the shock value.
Q  Is it important to receive a gift?
A No I never really expect anything I’m use to making the woman in my life happy that’s enough for my happiness
Q What does V-day mean to you?
A  V-day is a day to spread love to one another on a higher level than usual, making sure the people around you know that you cherish them and their feelings.

The Married Guy's Valentine's Day

Brandon, Avery & Jordan

Q Who normally plans Valentine's Day festivities? If its you, would you want your wife to plan Valentine's Day sometime?
A Normally on valentines day I plan the festivities because I'm normally putting together some type of surprise that includes many clues and different stages of excitement for my wife.. I wouldn't mind if my wife wanted plan festivities if she felt a little spontaneous. That's the good thing about being married you don't have to play by the book you create your own story. So it's good to do a little bit of "usher trading places".
Q Is it important for you to receive something from your wife on Valentine's Day?
A I don't think that receiving something on valentines day is as important it's just an add on to help celebrate the real gift of love because everyone is not able to identify and maintain.... love. So if you have found that love, it is truly a gift that you are receiving everyday. But receiving a gift is not my love language. It's my wife's so receiving gifts would be more important to her and I support that.  This is why it's important to know your significant others love languages. That way you will always be on target with what you give and receive.
Q Do you like to feel special? Or are you all about showing love to your wife?
A I think that everyone likes to feel special and some are capable of showing love more than others like myself. But I believe that every relationship should have balance. Feeling special is a feeling and showing love or receiving love is more than a feeling. To certain individuals one is more beneficial than the other. But I believe that showing Love reaches further than making someone feel special. Feeling special has its own timing. Showing love and being love doesn't always make you feel special right away because sometimes you can't understand the type of love it is that someone is showing you until the outcome of it blows your mind. So then you experience love and you're  feeling special all at same time because someone chooses to love you in a way couldn't imagine.
Q After years of spending Valentine's Day together, how will you spice it up this year?
A What I have always done is listen.... you listen good enough and the desires of you wife's or girlfriends heart will speak right to you. Then you take it and turn it into something out of your own creativity to speak to her love language. So that's how I keep it spicy .. give her what her heart desires.. whatever it's wanting, if it's mental treatment or physical treatment or all the above.
Q Now that you have a child, do you include her? If so, what do you all do?
A Yes I include my little one.. I have to be her example of a real valentine. She likes to eat so I'll take her out with us and let her witness how me and my wife treat each other on valentines day.....or any day.

My Thoughts

I appreciate each of the Men who answered my questions about Valentine's Day. These men are equally amazing (as if you couldn't tell I know them personally). I have come to the conclusion that guys, just like girls love to be loved and it's all about the love on Valentine's Day.

I hope everyone enjoys their Valentine's Day and if you don't have a special Valentine, show someone you care about you love them and appreciate them in your own special way. In the end, we all just want to be loved.

Feedback! I love feedback...answer some of the questions above, let's chat!

Genuine Happiness

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What does it mean to be genuinely happy?

Many of you are still figuring this out, myself included...but I think I am on my way to that genuinely happy state of being.

I am learning how to wake up in the morning and be happy with my surroundings, family, job and place in the world. I used to wake up and not take for granted the day or the fact that I woke up, but I was just so past the fact that I wasn't where I wanted to be in life.

I realized that I shouldn't have preconceived notions about where I should be in my life, because God has me exactly where he wants me. And once I let go of my thoughts and other people's ideas of where I should be, life became so much easier and better.

For once in my life, I can stop and smell the roses and actually smell them and appreciate them. I take my time now and just live and love in the moment. I let my inner me shine and I feel so free, I can be the me I am supposed to be and not the me I think I should be (or who others think I should be).

So, my definition of being genuinely happy is as follows: Wake up thankful not for what you have or your status in the world, but for the simple fact that you woke up and you have an opportunity to live, love and learn. When you can do this in spite of your situation, you have reached my idea of what genuinely happy is.

Tell me what is your idea of being genuinely happy?

Today Was A Good Day

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Don't ask why one eyebrow goes just does that

Today started out just like any ordinary day. I woke up to the sound of my dad shuffling around beginning his day and pleading with our family dog Jeter, to wake up and eat and then go outside.....yes, you read correctly, he pleads with the dog as if he is a child not wanting to wake up in the morning for school. This dog has the life...literally.

But anyway, I normally lie in my room as if I am still asleep but I use this time when people think I am asleep to say my morning prayer, check my emails, scroll through instagram and checkout some youtube vlogs I haven't seen yet.

I normally start my day once everyone else has left for their day and I guess I do this in remembrance of me having my own place. I like the peace and quiet I got from being the only soul in house but hey, stuff happens and I am back in Greensboro and back with my parents...this is going somewhere and not in the direction I wanted it to go so, I will get back to my day.

I made myself some pancakes and watched Kelly and Michael in the living room when I got a text from Honey saying, "Staying at home today..I'll let you know when I wake". This text elated me because I knew we would go on an excursion of some sort today and I had all the time in the world because I only had one appointment in Gibsonville, which is only like 20 minutes away.

After I went to my appointment, I swung by Honey's spot and we went off to lunch at our favorite Sushi restaurant...US Sushi in has to be the one in Friendly. We talked and we laughed and just had a great time like we always do. We checked out the store Orvis and then went on an impromptu apartment search. I have never lived on my own in Greensboro, so I have no idea where to start so if you do, please leave some places in the comments....

After we finished with our impromptu apartment search, we went back to his place and relaxed....until it was time for my Pilates class. I was so excited for this class because one of my friends joined me. We went and got our sweat on and had a great time in the class. My trainer is amazing and she makes it so easy to learn and she just encourages you and makes you feel welcome...its truly amazing and the ones who take aerobic classes can appreciate this.

After class I ate a light dinner and dessert was fresh strawberries. Of course I caught Empire...I mean that was a must see! Overall today was great, the sun was shining although it was cool but I am loving life right now and everyone that is in it.

That was my day, how was yours?

Artist To Watch Out For...JAHKOY!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fall In Love

I am completely obsessed with youtube vlogs and I have a new one that's called LaToya's Life that I can really dig right now and I think Honey enjoys it as well. Anyway, on one of the vlogs I came across this artist that is out of Canada (like LaToya) I have never heard of and him and his name is Jahkoy!

He is amazing and I absolutely love this song! It reminds me of honey.....blush.....but listen to this song. I am sure if you are looking for new music, you will like this.


Another song you should check out of his is Everything. This is a love song made for our generation.

What I like about Jahkoy is the fact that all of his songs are smooth and have meaning. He sounds amazing and his words flow eloquently without all the vulgar undertones. This is music I can vibe to and write my blogs or just chill with honey and think.

So if you need some Valentine's Day music to set the mood, checkout Jahkoy and let your man know about him now!

Oh, and if you're wondering what he looks like....this is Jahkoy ladies, not to bad on the eyes either!....DON'T tell Honey though....tehehehe!

Date Day!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Saturday, Date Day

This past Saturday, some appointments were cancelled and that gave me time to have a Date Day with Honey opposed to Date Night! I was so excited to go out on a Date Day because we had not had a whole day catering to each other in awhile.

He came to pick me up about 11:30 am but of course we didn't leave the house until 12pm...I couldn't decide on what to wear. We ate lunch at our favorite Brazilian spot, Monezi! It was so good! If you want to try Brazilian food, I  suggest that place as a starter because it isn't as expensive as a Brazilian steakhouse but its just as good. The owner also owns Leblon's in Greensboro.

We took date day to Target and Best Buy next, because I am thinking of starting a lifestyle vlog and I need to purchase a camera. So we are researching some cameras that we saw and hopefully in the near future we are going to purchase one. I really need to go to my storage and get my digital in the mean time.....So yes, stay tuned for the vlogs....I am so serious about this one!

We are lovers of the arts and he took me to Weatherspoon's Museum...its located on UNCG's campus. They have amazing exhibits and I wish we hadn't missed the Japanese art exhibit that was going on a few months ago but we saw a lot of contemporary pieces and some charcoal pieces from the 1900's . It was so amazing! And it still baffles me that art from that long ago can be how did they preserve the paper back then?

And then he surprised with a mani! I needed one so bad and he whisked me straight to my favorite nail salon...its the little things.

Anyway, we were going to a movie next but had some time to kill and I had some Gap Cash left from Christmas shopping and I would hate to let that go to waste.....sly smile....So we went and I got two shirts and Honey got some pants. (Thanks Honey!) but we wouldn't have gotten the sales we did if it weren't for my Gap Cash....Honey interjects and says it was the actual sale Gap had that got our savings....ANYWAY! We got savings on top of let me have my shine! lol

I had some gift cards for friendly center so we went and used them up. We still had time for the movie and I decided not to go to the movie and lets do dinner instead and we can stream the movie online in bed....perfect ending right?

So we go to New Orleans Restaurant and we ate like Kings and Queens! Honey had the ultimate seafood platter and I had one too....mine was just on steroids! lol And I ate it ALL! Of course we ate dessert and the beignets were EVERYTHING! I suggest you try them out if you are ever in Greensboro. I know the Chef and the owner and they are really good people. The Chef is such a sweetheart.

We left the restaurant and went back to Brian's and popped some Champagne we hadn't opened on New Year's....we were waiting for the perfect time. And I brought some sweet strawberries and we partook in a little libation as we talked about our future and laughed at instagram posts. Unfortunately, our movie had not been posted on our favorite website no movie for us!

This may seem so trivial or boring to some, but this was everything to me. This is why I love Honey, he is so considerate and respectful and he really does try to make me happy. He doesn't plan most of our dates or outings but when he does, he knows how to make me smile and feel special. This was our Saturday Date Day!


On Sunday I woke with Honey at my side and a terrible case of......CRAMPS! So to top off my wonderful Saturday filled with love, I was currently filled with something else.....ATTITUDE...ya'll thought I was going to say something else didn't you? lol Anyway, my honey went and got me breakfast, served me in bed and even buttered my pancakes and poured just the right amount of syrup on them as I was doubled over in a fetal position.....dang cramps!

This didn't ruin my Sunday either because I just basked in my joy of being with him and him caring for me as he did.

I am truly blessed to have a best friend, boyfriend, and soul mate all wrapped in one. He means  everything to me and I try to tell him everyday just how much I appreciate him. I won't make this mushy but this was my weekend with Honey B. I love youuuuuu

Let me know what your favorite date day/night was....I would love to know!

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