
Bye 2014 and Where Have You Been 2015?!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

2014.....what can I say?

I lost myself and found myself all in the same year. I am so thankful and grateful for 2014 because I realized I needed to do a lot of soul searching. I started my business and I had no idea how to start a business because my expertise was in law.

Thankfully my good college friend (who also encouraged me to start a blog) helped me and lead me through the dark and dim ways to starting a business. With a brand new attitude and way of thinking, (which is such a typical cliché) I have a game plan for 2015!

  1. Be More Humble: 2014 humbled my high horse having arse (ass in German) all the way down. I have now realized the sun does not rise and set when I wake and sleep. (They say that was happening well before I was born....go figure)
  2. Don't Allow Material Things Control Me: I was shown a lot this past year. The most nearest and dearest of things and people can be taken away at any given moment. Cherish the things that matter the most, which in my case are my family. Material things can be replaced but once a family member is called on, that's just it.
  3. Be More Spiritual: I have always had a relationship with God but I want to deepen my knowledge. I moved back home and I want to find a church where I can grow. And being spiritual can mean a lot,  and I don't just think you need to be in a church to be spiritual. You can be spiritual connecting with nature, or your inner thoughts.
  4. Grow My Business: I have a plethora of ideas for my business this year but I will reveal them one at a time so stay tuned into the blog for that.
  5. Find Like Minded People: This one is very important. I was talking to a friend today about this very thing. You cannot tell your dreams to simple minded people. If you are the most in-depth person in your group, you need new friends. I like to keep company that challenge my psyche, stimulate my mind with alternative ways of thinking and if you don't have someone in your group with different thoughts than you, or mere thoughts at all form new relationships with people. That is also on my to do list in 2015. (It doesn't mean I think I am better than them, it just means I want to grow as a person and they just cannot help you in that department anymore.
  6. Be Positive: This kind of goes with number 5, but to be positive you don't need anyone else. To be positive and not fall into being pessimistic can be hard when nothing is going according to your plan. But we must remember, this is not our plan at all. God has a plan for all of our lives and he will take you through trials but its to make you a better person in the end. So always look at every trial as a future triumph because there is a bigger plan ahead of you.
  7. Take Life as it Comes: I have a type "A" personality. I plan for EVERYTHING! I do not like to go with the flow at all. Why would you want to do that? You can't plan for it! lol But I have also learned in this Twenty-Something life that you really can't plan everything and something's will come and go as they please. It is inevitable to plan all of life's moments and I have found that when you try to plan everything, it's not as exciting.
  8. Have More Fun: Having left law school and realizing what matters most in life, I have decided to act Twenty-Something. I want to have as much fun as I can. I want to laugh, sing and dance! Just be a free spirit. And I only want to share these unforgettable moments with the ones who truly love and cherish our moments together.
  9. Travel More: I have already began to do this before 2015 came. But I want to continue to travel stateside and abroad. There is so much more to the world than N.C. and I want to see EVERYTHING!
  10. Save My Money: Now that I am Twenty-Something, I want more permanent things. I want to own things, like a home. One of my goals is to save my money so that one day I may purchase my own home.
So these are SOME of my goals for 2015. What are some of yours? Cause this is my story and I am sticking to it!

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