
Here Goes Nothing...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I had mixed emotions with writing a Blog and everything that could or could not come of it. Writing had been my way of release...release of everyday struggles, joys or just to get my inner most thoughts out. I have always been one that holds most of my thoughts in and with reason. I am normally shy and don't want to come off weird...typical.

I guess you can say I tried for the longest to fit in. Blend in. Or just not be considered the weird one. But since I have become Twenty-Something, all that caring who and what people think of me has totally gone out the window. I won't say I turned Twenty-Something and voila I didn't care or I had it together because that would be a bold face LIE. 

Being Twenty-Something is not easy because this is the age where you are trying to find yourself. Most people now like to be fancy and say, "You don't find yourself, you create yourself". I strongly disagree because I feel like before your Twenty-Something years, YOU. ARE. LOST. You have no idea who you are and who you want to become. I know plenty of people while in college changed their majors MILLIONS of times.

Now that was not my case, I have been straight laced for YEARS. And I didn't have the problem of finding myself or my major because I knew who I was before my Twenty-Something years even thought about happening. That is until Twenty-Something came and I completely lost myself and had to meet myself all over again and find my purpose.

Sorry, it sounds like I am rambling but I am trying to make a point. And refute anyone who buys into that you create the person you want to be none sense....on second thought I agree but I am going to flip into my own words...You are lost until you find yourself and once you find yourself, you create the newfound person you want to be.

Get it? Well anyway, these are some thoughts I have in my head and I shared them. This is my story and I am sticking to it.

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