
True Story: A Night With Chris Brown, Between The Sheets...TOUR

Friday, January 30, 2015

Just like any red blooded American twenty-something woman, I had a HUGE crush on Chris Brown when I was in High School! I did the whole, "That's my boyfriend" argument with friends and some girls I didn't even know!

He had his downfall with the whole Rihanna thing, and I didn't support that...but you cannot deny the boy has talent and he bounced back from it and I bounced right along with him....

Anyway, as some of you know and for the ones who live under a rock....he has a tour coming up and he will be coming to GREENSBORO, NC!! Now I am not the concert type because I don't like crowds and etc. BUT when I heard he was coming, I knew I had to get my ducks in a row!

Nothing or no one was stopping me from going to see Breezy!

So, of course I ask the man with a plan dad. He said he would work on some tickets for me and I just had to wait patiently to see the outcome of that. But of course you have to have a plan pun intended (lol) so I asked Honey B if he would purchase me some tickets and to my surprise, he said he wasn't going BUT if my girlfriends and myself wanted to go he would purchase my ticket! SCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE! (In my Brazilian soccer player voice)

There was nothing stopping me now! I had my dad on his end doing what he could and if that failed then honey would just have to buy me a ticket. So it's November and I am obsessing over it and me and my girlfriend Bre are getting excited and talking about it and our boyfriends are past us because that's all we talk about! lol

In the between time we (honey and I) had a friend who asked us to go away for a trip and I was like, "No, cause Chris Brown coming and I can't miss him!". Like he was coming personally to see ME! But in my mind he is!

I go through December still talking about it and reminding my dad to check and see what he can do. I am sending text messages, I am giving verbal reminders in the hallway in passing...I am doing it all!

I am talking about it with another friend and how we can sneak in....I wouldn't do that...but it sounded good! lol

So on yesterday, my dad said he came through and I was excited! Patience is key!

I am so excited that my dad was able to come through and get me some tickets. He is the best dad ever! He always come through and that's why he is my number one man! Thanks to him I was allowed to see Rihanna when she came and KANYE when he came! Ya'll know seeing KANYE made my life!

Oh, not to mention I also received a parking pass so I don't have to pay to park or park in the surrounding neighborhoods...if you're from Greensboro you understand! And my seats are away from people...meaning I have box seats.....shameless plug...sue me, I am excited!

But I thank my dad ever so dearly and now you guys have to stay tuned for photos and a blog about the aftermath....."The Morning After"

How To Stay Fabulous and Sane in 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I vow to become the best me I can be in 2015 and stay FABULOUS...of course! These are something's I have determined that will keep me Fabulous and sane in 2015

1) Stay in your own lane - I know you're wondering what do I mean by this, well let me break it    down...If it doesn't directly bother or influence me, I don't have time for it.
2) Exercise More - I think I used the "more" part a little prematurely since exercise was non-existent in my former life of 2014 judgment zone! (Angela Basset arms and Beyoncé legs for the summer!!)
3) Become more spiritual - It hasn't been until a recent acknowledgment on my behalf that I have become a little more aware of other practices of religion. Now don't get me wrong, I love God but I also have a respect for other religions as well and can incorporate some practices into my daily routine.
4) Venture outside the box - I will always try something once. You never know what you will like until you try it. Venture out and try a new activity. Mine for the year is to skydive!
5) Compliment someone at least once a day - This is the easiest way to put a smile on someone's face. To compliment someone shows maturity and humility. Just think about how you feel when you receive one, doesn't it make your day?
6) Focus on what makes you happy - I have found that life is too short, and we should seize the day! Do not waste your time on people or things that do not make you completely happy.
7) Don't be messy be fabulous - This can be hard for my messy friends but live above the influence of gossip and negativity. Now I do love a good hot cup of tea, but this is something I am working on myself. Gossip is a vile and nasty trait, and it really is only covering up the hurt you have inside by airing out someone else's dirty laundry.
8) Enjoy your family - Family is the most important thing in life, without them I don't know where I would be. Now we all go through things with family and if you have a strained relationship with yours, try to mend whatever is tearing you apart. We are not bringing negativity into 2015!
9) Love hard but SMART- We are all different people, but we have one thing in common and that's love. We all want to be loved by someone. And we all deserve that, but know what love is before you love hard. Know that love is about respect, honor and trust. And if you aren't getting all of these things and more, then that love is NOT for you.
10) Do YOU! - Whatever those two words mean to you, do just that! (As long as its positive of course)

Push Away From The Table....And No One Gets Hurt!

Friday, January 23, 2015

I am a glorified foody! Always have been and I will more than likely continue this trend. But as I have gotten older, I have found that my metabolism is not as high as it used to be and now I am a thickems!

Thickems- Someone who has extra meat on their bones

Now I am not ashamed to be a thickems and for all my fellow thickems, "Heeeeey ya'll" but I am tired of being a thickems. This is the most I have weighed in my whole life! And nobody has time! I want to be beach body ready and healthy by summer so I have enrolled at the local gym and even had my first insanity class.

Let me start off by saying, I am not going to insanity again. Yes, go ahead and laugh but It. Ain't. Happening. That man (Justin is his name) should be arrested! He worked us like we owed him money! Let me back up and tell you my experience....

My mom and I walked into the gym and I immediately saw Justin, but I didn't know it was him at first. He was tall and had rippling arms and massive pecks! I immediately whispered to my mom, "Please don't let that be Justin". As we signed our waivers to take the class (I should have ran at that point), another guy who was shorter and not as built as the other called his name and sure enough it was Justin! I looked at my mother in horror!

My excitement and willingness to start the class faded....and I mean quick! I wanted to tell her lets just do our own thing in the gym or shoot, lets just go home! But I knew she was ready after I changed her mind about going in the first place.

We started out and I was feeling it until it got intense...and he had the nerve to say this was the warm up! I was sweating bullets from jump! And then had the audacity to say he was going to give us a 30 second break! Like really? 30 seconds? I couldn't catch my breath at all. I stuck it out though, an older gentleman was in the class running circles around me! This is when I knew I had to lose my thickems and quick!

The moral of this story is, I am not doing insanity anymore. I will not take any of Justin's classes anymore and I am losing my thickems but it won't be this way! But I encourage all of you to at least try it out. (Insert wicked grin and laugh......right.....about...........HERE). Oh, and I have some other classes in mind but if you have suggestions please leave them in the comments.

Update To Old Friend New Friend

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

As you all know, I met and had dinner with my very first friend ever on this past Saturday. I have to say I had many mixed emotions because I have not seen her in many years but I actually had a wonderful time!

We met at, coincidentally our favorite sushi restaurant and I immediately knew who she was since not much had changed in her appearance. We sat down and talked for three hours, we literally were the last people in the restaurant...Of course we ate in between. But it was so organic, we didn't have to force conversation, it just came to us naturally. There were a lot of "whats so and so doing now?' Mostly asked by me, since I didn't go to high school with the rest of them.

At the end of the night, we vowed to hang out more since we live in the same city. And I feel like I may have gotten my old new friend back!

Pick A Team: Team Light Skin or Dark Skin?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Last night I watched the sequel of Dark Girls which is called Light Girls. I must say that I enjoyed Dark Girls because I got to see (what I already knew) the different stigmatisms that unfortunately come with being black and dark skin in America. It not only showed colorism in America, but abroad.

The women who were apart of Dark Girls, explained where colorism started within the black community during slavery (in America) and how its a prevalent topic today. The women that have darker complexions, shared how they have been discriminated against and how in result to that, their self-esteem has often faltered.

I loved this documentary and as a lighter skinned black woman, could even relate in my own way to some of their testimonies. However, I was disappointed that the lighter skinned black woman's struggle was not prevalent until I saw the commercials for "Light Girls".

*The following is MY opinion on Light Girls and some of the Twitter Comments

Once I began to watch the documentary, I immediately identified with some of the stories some of the Light Girls had. I have been bullied, talked about and even shamed to be a light girl just like some of the other women that were featured on the documentary.

I was also live tweeting as the documentary was on, just to get a general idea of what the thoughts my fellow black women were having. And let me tell you, I was MORTIFIED! Many women of all races empathized. Some dark girls mocked the lighter skin woman's struggle and that's the part that hurt the most. As a race, womanhood and people we need to come together. Other races try to conquer and divide us, but we help them out with this team light skin/ team dark skin foolishness.

A little background on I stated earlier, I have been bullied, talked about and even been ashamed to be a lighter complexion. In my earlier years, I was often times the only black girl in my class because I went to predominately white schools and I didn't feel the grunt of being light skinned because I was merely black in their eyes and that's another talk....I did however experience something's around that age from my own family.

I have a cousin who is a dark girl and she would often times tell me that boys only liked me and not her because I was light. Thus making me think, would my color alone gain me the acceptance from the opposite sex and not my personality? No one wants to be in a shallow relationship, everyone wants to be loved because of who they really are inside. And she would often take out her frustrations of the known stigmatism out on me. And that was the first time that I had ever realized a difference in skin are never fully aware that you are different until someone tells you are different (think about that). So, I would feel bad about being light skin, as if I could do something about it. Some of my family would even refer to me as a white girl or I act white....and to this day, I don't know what that means. I was being myself, being a product of my environment and the LAST thing I was doing was...acting. If I swung my hair I would be considered trying to be white or acting white when in actuality, I was removing hair from my white girls are the only ones who can have long hair that often gets in their eyes....really people? This had been told to me by people who I loved the most and it hurt.

Just imagine someone mocking you or degrading you for being yourself! For simple mannerisms you cannot control and for simply removing hair out of your eyes. (SMH) But in this day and age my generation, the millennium's, we need to educate ourselves so that our children will not have these stereotypes and complexes about themselves and can grow up to maybe change the worlds view.

Fast forward to High School...I was not only the new girl with no friends at all, but I was clearly different and these kids let me know. I had come from predominately white schools so my appearance and mannerisms were different than these kids. I was often called white girl here as well (this name followed me into college by those kids as well).

I could not escape this label and now I have developed a complex. Now that I was at the predominately black school I tried to learn the "black" lingo, or what I thought would gain me acceptance from my peers. But at the end of the day, I still had girls saying nasty things to me and even attempting to fight me because "I thought I was all that" or "She think she cute cause she light skin". I have always had confidence about myself and I owe that to my parents. They always told me I was pretty and etc. They did the things you are supposed to do when you are raising a future Black Queen because society will try tear her down because of her skin. And they let me know that I was smart, funny and could do anything and I have always had that mentality. So, it wasn't that I thought I was all that because I was light skin, it was I knew I was a Queen at a young age. And maybe those girls didn't have anyone to instill that into them. (On one of the first days in high school, I had a girl pull my hair in class and ask me if my hair was real!!! At this point I was not only offended (because black girls can grow hair, not all of them wear weave), but somewhat intimidated by her because who just pulls your class?!)

In the documentary, some of the women shared stories like mine and I have some stories but I won't relive them here but I did want you to get an understanding of how ALL people of all skin tones have struggles.

Often times people...dark girls in particular believe that light skin women have no worries or struggles in life and its this unspoken privilege that we have but let me tell you, we are seen as black and get treated the same by other races.

My issue with dark women arose when I looked on twitter, most of the dark skin women did not get the point of the documentary and how they were trying to shed light on colorism or the struggle that the black woman has in general. Regardless if she is light or dark, and that is sad because they don't see we have the same struggles as  BLACK women.

One woman tweeted, "When I see #lightgirls cry about the pain of being light skin I laugh. They have no clue what their darker sisters endure systematically". The point that I took away from both documentaries was, here is a look at what we go through as light and dark skin women, and hopefully now we can bridge the gap between light and dark skin women and we can now become educated on colorism as a group and change the outcomes of these stereotypes and build ALL of our black babies up to be proud to be black regardless of their skin tone. But by some of the comments by our dark sisters, it seems like they didn't catch that memo. Some people are so wrapped up in themselves to see another hurts just like they do.

I often hear how some people say, "oh, you're light skin so you would have been in the house and I would have been in the field" but my response is, that may or may not be true but WE are still ENSLAVED TOGETHER, RIGHT?! There is no superiority in anyway shape or form with that analogy because at the end of the day we were not free. Therefore, we have the same struggle!

What really pissed me off about the documentary was the men portion. I don't know where Oprah, OWN or the producers got these fools from because they had no sense of intelligence at all. They had young boys on here perpetuating the very stereotype we are trying to break! And I don't think they are speaking for the black male population because the black men I know, worship the black woman as a person not for her color. They are keeping this divide in sisterhood prevalent! That is why as black women we all need to stick together because we go through many different things that no other woman can relate to and if we continue to be team light skin and team dark skin we are playing into the indefinite division of our race.

I had to cut this blog extremely short because it ended up being VERY long but based off what I have said above or if you saw Light Girls, please comment below. I would love to get a conversation started. And if you didn't live tweet, search #lightgirls on twitter to see some of the comments.

Old New Friend

Friday, January 16, 2015

After not being on Facebook for literally YEARS! I was coerced into getting one due to my business. Which in hindsight was an amazing idea....shout out to Alisha!

While being back on the "book", I have become friends with people I have not seen since high school or college and I guess that's pretty good. However, I checked my friend requests one day and found that my very first friend ever in life requested me as a friend! You can imagine how surprised I was when I saw it because I had not seen or heard from her since early high school.

We met at daycare. So we were extremely young, I would say about 3 years old when we became sandbox buddies. We were so freaking adorbs and not to mention the last three letters of my name is her first name! So how freaking cute is that?! The way my neck of the woods (referring to grade school) worked was you went to Guilford Primary from Kindergarten until you were in the 2nd grade. And that's where we went. Little babies off to big school and we had classes together and still were buds. Once 2nd grade is up, you go to the BIG KID school which was Guilford Middle. And don't ask why they do this because there is no real answer that I can give you. I guess because we weren't considered in the "city" and we were considered "county kids". But anyway we continued a friendship from the 3rd grade until the 8th grade (the years you are at Guilford Middle).

Once we became teenagers and it was time to move over to the high school, Western Guilford, I was no longer allowed to go to the county schools because my district was considered the city and therefore I had to go to Ben L. Smith. I HATED this because I had not only gone to school with these kids since kindergarten but some since daycare! These were my friends, and I knew people who were already at the high school. And who wants to start over making new friends in HIGH SCHOOL?! The time that is very confusing and all you want is to have a familiar face around you.

But anyway Guilford County schools gave no f*$ks about that! lol And off to Smith I went. Lonely, scared and friendless.

So back to the topic...the fact that she reached out for just a simple friend request was so amazing because I have had no contact with her in 13 years...that's high school (I did make friends...go figure), college and I have been out of college for going on 5 years.

Tomorrow we are meeting up to catch up over dinner. I am so excited and I cannot wait to see her and to hear how her life has panned out after all these years. She still lives in town and now I do too so maybe I get to befriend my old friend again.

My Current January Obsessions!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

My Current January Obsessions

The Music I A Obsessed with....

I am currently obsessed with Banks! I think she is beyond amazing! Her voice is very unique and she has a sound or style that isn't the usual. I really like her because she isn't mainstream and I find that very interesting. I like things that don't have all that glitz and glamour to it. For example before Drake became mainstream and when no one had ever seen him and he only had his mix tape out, that's when I was in love with him. But Banks has that edgy feel to her, she is a true gem. I kind of want her to stay the way she is, I want to keep her my little secret because I don't want her to be "pop" like some other artist have gone. But I don't think she I know this girl (lol) but anyway I listen to her morning, noon and night. Honey likes her too but I think I Banks him out when we went to D.C. because that's ALL we listened to while we got dressed and even slept...and the only reason we didn't listen to her while we were traveling was because we caught the metro every where!

I am also obsessed with Tokimonsta! She is amazeballs. Now Honey put me on her and she is one that he never tires of. I like to lay and think and listen to her. Her instrumentals are amazing! I only wish she had a tour on the east/southern coast. But if she ever comes to G.A., S.C., D.C. or N.C. I am so there!!!! So I hope she reads this because I am so sending shameless plugs to her!! lol My favorite song by her is Darkest Dim. It takes me to another place and I don't do drugs or anything but its almost something like having your mind altered....or maybe its just good music to think to. Most music I listen to is "thinking music".

But anyway, try these ladies will be pleased.

The Makeup Guru I Am Obsessed With...

I love to find new people to follow on ig with similar interest and I found this one girl named Amrezy. I found her initially because she is one of the faces of the hair extensions I wear and I liked her look and ended up following her. On the outside she is gorg! And although I don't know her in person but she seems like a real cool girl....from ig of course. I love her style and how versatile she is with her me! One day I will have my clips in and the next they will be on my dresser and I am rocking my own lol But aside from hair, if you're looking for someone to get makeup tips from...check her out. When I do my make up and wear my natural hair, I call it my "Amrezy look" one day I will take my photo and post it so you guys can see my "Amrezy look" lol

The Necklace I Am Obsessed With...

I actually have quite a few of necklaces I am obsessed with!!! The turtle shell necklace with rhinestones and turquoise jewels, I purchased at Old Navy and believe it or not their jewelry is very trendy and glitzy...just how I like it! The T loves B necklace made by Early August is personalized just for ME! It means Tamia loves Brian (Honey). The Hamsa necklace is near and dear to my heart because it protects you from evil spirits i.e. the evil eye and its prominent in African and ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths it is a protective sign. It brings it's owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. And I don't know about ya'll, but I can use all of the happiness, luck, health and good fortune I can get! And lastly, is the pretty glitzy necklace and its my newest glitz piece and it was given to me by one of my dearest and best friends for Christmas.

Vitamins I Am Obsessed With...

I am currently taking hair, skin and nails vitamins by Natures Bounty. You can get them anywhere I purchased mine at Wal-Mart but they are amazing! I used to use Hairfinity, and they were good too but I had experienced really bad breakouts while using them and SHE cannot have breakouts...its bad enough I have adult acne around my cycle. (smh)

Empire The Tv Show, I Am Obsessed...

Even though it is only in episode 2, I am completely obsessed with this show!! It has all the right actors, writers and producers! If you have never seen it, I suggest you youtube the first 2 episodes and sit back and enjoy. Terrance Howard and Taraji P. Henson work so well together. Their chemistry is amazing. I cannot wait until Wednesdays at 9pm!

So these are some of my January Obsessions, what do you obsess over?

Dear Twenty Year Old Self

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

This is me at Twenty making the weird face...Don't ask why...Still don't know

I am BIG fan of the talk show, "The Real" and todays (yesterday in your case) episode had a segment where they each took a turn and gave advice to their Twenty year old self. I identified with each of these women's advice to their former selves and I decided that I would write a letter to my Twenty year old self too.

Dear Twenty Year Old Mimi,

First off I would like to ease your mind with the fear of not being successful because success cannot be measured by material things. It can only be measured by the happiness you obtain by doing what you love. So it will take you some time but you will find true happiness which will be the biggest success you could ever imagine.

Let go of petty grudges sooner rather than later because you are only hurting yourself in the end. Also let go of the "High School Sweetheart" he didn't know how to treat you, in high school and he definitely does not in college. It will hurt, but trust me you will live. Open up to new people, don't focus on one boy while at school, meet new faces not just boys but girls too. Don't be shy to say hello to someone. Instead of awkwardly meeting new friends in the future that you never talked to in college, meet them sooner because you formed some great bonds in your adulthood.

Listen to your mother and father more....yes, they are "old" but they have been twenty before and can teach you things and also prevent you from making the same mistakes they may have made.

People come and people go but remain close with your family. In the end, they will be the only ones you can rely on.

When B.Wynn approaches you and says he likes you, don't brush him off all the time....oddly enough, he ends up being your soul mate. Crazy...I know...I am still in awe of this lol

Continue to work hard because regardless of what you hear or think, you will graduate and have a job waiting when you graduate....actually you will start work a week before you graduate....and you do get into law school, it won't be at Central but you will be happy there....for awhile.

Basically, meet new people; cherish your family; have fun and just be twenty because it goes by fast.

Live, love and laugh as much as you can and you will be fine.

What would you say to your twenty year old self? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you.

Inner Peace, Please...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


So I guess change does come with age and experience because over the past years I have evolved into a woman. And I know you're thinking, "Duh, that's what happens as you get older" but I am thinking of it in another way. I look back on last year and I think, "Wow, I have come a long way".

From being in my early Twenty-Something's and hanging out late with friends to now trying to settle down and make something of myself so that one day when I have children, they will have someone positive to view.

You really don't think about those things when you're in your early Twenty-Something phases of life. You think you're invincible and you have all the time to do everything in the world. And I guess that is the beauty of being a young Twenty-Something because, nothing seems impossible. You feel like the world is your playground and you have the time in the world to do literally everything!!

You believe this whole heartily until you reach your mid Twenty-Something's because by now, you have lived some life after college and you notice that the past "should haves" and the "would haves" of life are just the PAST.

There has been a lot of mistakes I have made and I often think to myself, "If I knew then what I know now". But never the less, I will never have regrets for anything that has transpired in my life because I take everything as a learning lesson.

So as I continue to figure this Twenty-Something thing out, I have decided to be the best me that I can possibly be. I want to be surrounded by positive people, things and I want to do good. I want to take advantage of everyday and live my life to the fullest because now I realize we only have one life and we should love and share precious moments with the ones we love.

I have started to do just that and it feels so good. I wake up now with a new outlook and a readiness for each day and the lesson that comes with it. Even with bad days, I always find the good in them. When I have a bad day I still give thanks to God and I like to say, "Without this day, I would not be the person I am and I thank you for waking me up because someone didn't have this opportunity". I am a lot more grateful and I love the lessons that I learned in my early Twenty-Something days because without them I wouldn't be the person I am nor would I have the inner peace I have gained.

Broken but Unbroken All At The Same Time

Monday, January 12, 2015

I am a HUGE movie buff. I don't have any particular favorites in genre but if it peaks my interest in the trailers, I am definitely watching it. I just finished watching the movie, Unbroken. Let me tell you how touching, moving, inspiring and overall amazing this movie is.

This movie is about a Italian-American boy named Louie who was a rebel in his early childhood development stages. He was always getting into trouble until his older brother guided him in another direction, meaning the brother saw his potential in track and that lead to him becoming an Olympic athlete.

Once WWII began he was called to serve and on a mission to save a fellow military platoon, the plane he was on crashed into the ocean. Only he and two others survived the crash. The were at sea for over 28 days in a life raft until one succumbed to the harsh conditions of the ocean and the lack of food and water. During the time Louie was stranded, he found God and vowed that if he made it through this traumatic ordeal, he would devote his entire life to God's work. Louie and his comrade were unfortunately captured by the Japanese. They were now considered POW's and during the course of the war, Louie worked in two Japanese POW camps. During his time at the camps, he was brutally beaten and was rarely fed. If you guys know anything about POW's you know that the conditions that they endured are unimaginable. Louie had motivation in the phrase, "If you can take it, you can make it" and this phrase and the will to live ultimately made him survive the harsh conditions on the Japanese labor camps until the end of the war.

This was a true story.

At the end of the movie I reflected on what I saw and as I did so, I started to think of all the trials I have been through and how I have been broken. And not in the same sense as Louie, because that was very different than anything I have ever experienced. But whether it was trust lost in a friend, a boyfriend broke my heart or a death of a loved one, all of these examples have broken me at some point in my life, but some how some way, I have gotten through all of those trials. Did I come out unscathed? Honestly, probably not. But I knew that there would be another day, another day to get things right. Another day to mend my trust with others, mend the heart that has been broken and remember the good times I had with loved ones.

Although, there often seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, just know that tomorrow is always a new start and you may be broken today but tomorrow you have a chance to be a survivor of your situation.

Unbroken has inspired me. Louie Zamperini has inspired me. And I want to thank all of the Men and Women in the military who serve and protect us because your courage inspires me.

Who inspires you? In times of despair do you have a Louie-ism that gets you through? How do you overcome situations that can break you? I am very curious to know.

One Time For The Single Girls!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I have a boyfriend. A beau. A bae. A partner. A significant other if you will. A man. But I am not married, therefore, I am considered a single woman. And that is fine that I am viewed by society as single, because technically....I am. I am unattached. I have no ring. Or marriage license.

I am content with the fact that society views me as such, but what I cannot get over are some of the friends or acquaintances that are hitched (and some that are NOT) that give you the "poor you" look. As if the fact that me and my honey are not married and are simply dating is a problem. The ladies without boyfriends need to know us gals with significant others STILL get those looks or questions (and if you're single you know what I mean). Let me back up for a minute....Honey (my boyfriends nickname) and I have been dating for five years. And I know as you're reading this you're probably giving me the "poor you" look. Insert rolled eyes.....(HERE).

But anywho, we are the happiest of people and it only gets better when we see each other. We began dating our junior(ish) year of college and no, we did not go to the same college. Fast forwarding...due to jobs and law school, we have only been in the same city while dating for a full year of the five. Now I am back in our home town and this will be the second year we are together. I am content with our relationship and I know one day when the time is right, it'll be our time. And if that time never comes, then I will cherish the time I had with him and push forth.

Down to the skinny....It is so annoying when people ask, "when are you getting married" or "he is for sure going to propose on *this* day". Like seriously?! When you say things like that, you can put unseen pressure on both parties. And honestly, its very awkward and I think rude. It's none of your business, so don't ask and definitely do not give the "poor you" look because you have no idea what is going on in that relationship.

So I say this to all my fellow single girls, live your life! Do not fall into the trap of what others think about you or your relationship. Do not have a timeline for your life because life has a way of ruining your plans. You must live for yourself and make yourself happy. In the great words of Whitney Houston, "I love ya, but I can't live for ya!".

Oh, and to all the legally married on paper people and not to mention the nosy people who feed off of other people's business.....take heed to this blog post. No hate towards you guys, but I am just past it. That's my story and I am sticking to it.

I Like My Money Where I Can See It.....In my Closet!!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Just like every other Twenty-Something girl, I have hit a point in my life where I am torn between where I should shop and what clothes I should wear. And if you haven't given this thought or your concern level has not risen with that last sentence, you may be a Twenty-Something thot. (Like should I say trendy words like that anymore?.....see the problem?)

So at any rate, I LOVE clothes and I absolutely love to shop! My favorite style is what I call, "I woke up and my hair just happened to have soft waves and I am wearing this black V-neck with black jeans and my black leather jacket, with my tan ankle boots and army fatigue belt that matches the ankle boots and my personalized gold stamp necklace paired with my gold hamsa hand set and not to mention the countless number of gold tribal printed gold rings, simply because this look is effortless and it seems as if I don't care but I really planned all this out" And I meant to be grammatically incorrect by the way....

But I also like to dress up and wear heels and do the full beat (make-up). But I have realized some of the trendy stores that once peaked my interest just does not seem to fit the bill anymore!! And I don't know if this is my Twenty-Something life crisis or what but I need someone to comment and tell me if I am losing it or has my style just changed?

I still have friends that like the same stores we shopped at in college and that just doesn't appeal to me anymore. My once beloved Forever 21, is like an embarrassment for me now. I don't even go in there because I feel like the young Twenty-Something year olds are looking at me like, "Girl, you're almost forever 30!" (Don't try to guess my age either!)

I won't make it seem like I won't go in forever 21 and purchase $7.50 jeans or a sweater, I am just saying the crop tops and some other young fashion is just not my cup of tea anymore...I drink Champagne now (Champs on ice ya'll!!)

But I guess I am not knocking the ones who still wave their Forever 21 flags and if that's still your go to, that's fine. But I have some other stores/boutiques that I like now and they are listed below:
  1. Vestique - They have stores in Charlotte (NC), Raleigh and Cary (NC) and Charleston (SC)
  2. Silver Gallery - In friendly shopping center (Greensboro, NC)
  3. Express - That's common
  4. The Loft - Common
  5. Banana Republic - Common
  6. Monkee's - Winston Salem (NC), Greensboro (NC), Charlotte (NC) and I am not sure where else
  7. Rebeccca & Co.
  8. Anthropology

These are just a few alternatives if you find yourself thinking am I to twenty-something to shop here?

In My Feelings or Nah?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Can I speak freely? Cause I NEED to get this off my chest and then I will let a dead dog lie. (No animals were harmed in that last need to call PETA)

So I am on a new career path...I think I have mentioned that before. Southern Posh is my baby, my everything, my bread and butter and although it is not an actual's well being and growth is uber important to me.

I am not the one who boasts and brags or expect people to praise me for doing anything that is cause for a worthy mention. However, I do expect my "friends" to support me as I have supported them. I have listened to desperate sobs over the phone when someone has had their heart broken, I have been the shield for some when they were defenseless and many other friend like things that true friends do. I don't expect anything in return....I promise.

But sometimes it would be nice to have someone support me in my time of need or hell with my business. I know when you put a lot of effort into something such as a passion or a business, you can become overly sensitive because you are doing the best you can do and it is your pride. It wasn't until I had lunch with my college friend, that I had a chance to voice my inner most thoughts.

I expressed to her how I felt like friends don't fully go hard for me and my business. I do not expect them to wave banners on the side of the street but I do expect them to ask me how its going, like a freaking instagram photo or go read and comment or like my blog posts on the website. I understand people have jobs, children and husbands but you make time for what is important and maybe they don't think their support is important to me or they just don't think its important to show support.

Anyway back to the conversation I was having with college girl she explained that I was not in my feelings and that I had the right to have those feelings because in her many ventures, she has felt that same way. She explained to me that many people may not understand my hustle, they may not appreciate the fact that I have to grind for the coins I get and may look at my small business as just that, a small business. She continued to say that people sometimes don't take it serious because we don't punch a clock or have someone paying us for our hours on the hour.

I sat back and I actually saw the situation from another side and although it is still messed up, I can't be mad or upset with these people because they simply may not understand or they just don't want to and in that case...that's their ignorance.

Even though it hurts my feelings at times, I am using this as a motivating factor. I am the type of person when someone doubts me, I grind harder. And this is just what I am going to do. I won't be sad, I will be successful. So watch out 2015, I am coming for you and I will excel in my craft.

That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Bye 2014 and Where Have You Been 2015?!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

2014.....what can I say?

I lost myself and found myself all in the same year. I am so thankful and grateful for 2014 because I realized I needed to do a lot of soul searching. I started my business and I had no idea how to start a business because my expertise was in law.

Thankfully my good college friend (who also encouraged me to start a blog) helped me and lead me through the dark and dim ways to starting a business. With a brand new attitude and way of thinking, (which is such a typical cliché) I have a game plan for 2015!

  1. Be More Humble: 2014 humbled my high horse having arse (ass in German) all the way down. I have now realized the sun does not rise and set when I wake and sleep. (They say that was happening well before I was born....go figure)
  2. Don't Allow Material Things Control Me: I was shown a lot this past year. The most nearest and dearest of things and people can be taken away at any given moment. Cherish the things that matter the most, which in my case are my family. Material things can be replaced but once a family member is called on, that's just it.
  3. Be More Spiritual: I have always had a relationship with God but I want to deepen my knowledge. I moved back home and I want to find a church where I can grow. And being spiritual can mean a lot,  and I don't just think you need to be in a church to be spiritual. You can be spiritual connecting with nature, or your inner thoughts.
  4. Grow My Business: I have a plethora of ideas for my business this year but I will reveal them one at a time so stay tuned into the blog for that.
  5. Find Like Minded People: This one is very important. I was talking to a friend today about this very thing. You cannot tell your dreams to simple minded people. If you are the most in-depth person in your group, you need new friends. I like to keep company that challenge my psyche, stimulate my mind with alternative ways of thinking and if you don't have someone in your group with different thoughts than you, or mere thoughts at all form new relationships with people. That is also on my to do list in 2015. (It doesn't mean I think I am better than them, it just means I want to grow as a person and they just cannot help you in that department anymore.
  6. Be Positive: This kind of goes with number 5, but to be positive you don't need anyone else. To be positive and not fall into being pessimistic can be hard when nothing is going according to your plan. But we must remember, this is not our plan at all. God has a plan for all of our lives and he will take you through trials but its to make you a better person in the end. So always look at every trial as a future triumph because there is a bigger plan ahead of you.
  7. Take Life as it Comes: I have a type "A" personality. I plan for EVERYTHING! I do not like to go with the flow at all. Why would you want to do that? You can't plan for it! lol But I have also learned in this Twenty-Something life that you really can't plan everything and something's will come and go as they please. It is inevitable to plan all of life's moments and I have found that when you try to plan everything, it's not as exciting.
  8. Have More Fun: Having left law school and realizing what matters most in life, I have decided to act Twenty-Something. I want to have as much fun as I can. I want to laugh, sing and dance! Just be a free spirit. And I only want to share these unforgettable moments with the ones who truly love and cherish our moments together.
  9. Travel More: I have already began to do this before 2015 came. But I want to continue to travel stateside and abroad. There is so much more to the world than N.C. and I want to see EVERYTHING!
  10. Save My Money: Now that I am Twenty-Something, I want more permanent things. I want to own things, like a home. One of my goals is to save my money so that one day I may purchase my own home.
So these are SOME of my goals for 2015. What are some of yours? Cause this is my story and I am sticking to it!

Here Goes Nothing...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I had mixed emotions with writing a Blog and everything that could or could not come of it. Writing had been my way of release...release of everyday struggles, joys or just to get my inner most thoughts out. I have always been one that holds most of my thoughts in and with reason. I am normally shy and don't want to come off weird...typical.

I guess you can say I tried for the longest to fit in. Blend in. Or just not be considered the weird one. But since I have become Twenty-Something, all that caring who and what people think of me has totally gone out the window. I won't say I turned Twenty-Something and voila I didn't care or I had it together because that would be a bold face LIE. 

Being Twenty-Something is not easy because this is the age where you are trying to find yourself. Most people now like to be fancy and say, "You don't find yourself, you create yourself". I strongly disagree because I feel like before your Twenty-Something years, YOU. ARE. LOST. You have no idea who you are and who you want to become. I know plenty of people while in college changed their majors MILLIONS of times.

Now that was not my case, I have been straight laced for YEARS. And I didn't have the problem of finding myself or my major because I knew who I was before my Twenty-Something years even thought about happening. That is until Twenty-Something came and I completely lost myself and had to meet myself all over again and find my purpose.

Sorry, it sounds like I am rambling but I am trying to make a point. And refute anyone who buys into that you create the person you want to be none sense....on second thought I agree but I am going to flip into my own words...You are lost until you find yourself and once you find yourself, you create the newfound person you want to be.

Get it? Well anyway, these are some thoughts I have in my head and I shared them. This is my story and I am sticking to it.
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