
Push Away From The Table....And No One Gets Hurt!

Friday, January 23, 2015

I am a glorified foody! Always have been and I will more than likely continue this trend. But as I have gotten older, I have found that my metabolism is not as high as it used to be and now I am a thickems!

Thickems- Someone who has extra meat on their bones

Now I am not ashamed to be a thickems and for all my fellow thickems, "Heeeeey ya'll" but I am tired of being a thickems. This is the most I have weighed in my whole life! And nobody has time! I want to be beach body ready and healthy by summer so I have enrolled at the local gym and even had my first insanity class.

Let me start off by saying, I am not going to insanity again. Yes, go ahead and laugh but It. Ain't. Happening. That man (Justin is his name) should be arrested! He worked us like we owed him money! Let me back up and tell you my experience....

My mom and I walked into the gym and I immediately saw Justin, but I didn't know it was him at first. He was tall and had rippling arms and massive pecks! I immediately whispered to my mom, "Please don't let that be Justin". As we signed our waivers to take the class (I should have ran at that point), another guy who was shorter and not as built as the other called his name and sure enough it was Justin! I looked at my mother in horror!

My excitement and willingness to start the class faded....and I mean quick! I wanted to tell her lets just do our own thing in the gym or shoot, lets just go home! But I knew she was ready after I changed her mind about going in the first place.

We started out and I was feeling it until it got intense...and he had the nerve to say this was the warm up! I was sweating bullets from jump! And then had the audacity to say he was going to give us a 30 second break! Like really? 30 seconds? I couldn't catch my breath at all. I stuck it out though, an older gentleman was in the class running circles around me! This is when I knew I had to lose my thickems and quick!

The moral of this story is, I am not doing insanity anymore. I will not take any of Justin's classes anymore and I am losing my thickems but it won't be this way! But I encourage all of you to at least try it out. (Insert wicked grin and laugh......right.....about...........HERE). Oh, and I have some other classes in mind but if you have suggestions please leave them in the comments.


  1. Lol why can I see you like "Uhh huhhh! Never again!"

    1. Because you know me very well!!! lol I have already checked the instructors for this week classes so my path and Justin's path do not meet!!! lol


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