
Mean What You Say & Say What You Mean

Thursday, May 7, 2015

You would think that the phrase in my title would be effortless and natural to some people, but in's not!
Now, I live by this phrase. It comes natural to me and maybe it's because of the way I was reared (I am not a animal I was reared...not raised). Anyway, that was your lesson of the day! (LOL) But back to the topic....yes, I was taught to always tell how you feel. Never suffer in silence and to always be honest. So, when someone doesn't do something that they say they are going to do, it sets my soul on FIRE! Literally.
I was also taught that if you don't have a pot to piss in and a....well you know the rest...that you will always have two things. One being your GOOD  name and your word. My dad preached this to me numerous of times, and as I have gotten older I completely understand the logic.
Your name is everything. There is no one on this earth that can say anything negative about me. You cannot do it. I treat everyone with respect and sometimes if I am feeling jazzy, I even go out of my way to be extra polite. Do I have days were I am not feeling and I have attitudes....well duh, I am a woman with raging hormones at certain times of the month or even day. Of course you will have some people say negative things about you but, that's life and none of that resonates with me because those people don't really even know me.
However, in light of my ramble....I will always keep my word. Your word is bond. If you go around making and giving false hope to people who really rely on your word and take your word as being I do with other people, then you should stay true to that. Never and I mean never tell someone you are going to do something and you do not come through....after enough times, that person will see you as a LIAR.
I don't know about you guys, but being called a liar is ONE of the most despicable things to me. I mean there are some other words that could be said to me that could really hurt, but liar is one that I take to another level because that is a stab at my character.
I do not understand how people can give false hope knowing that their intention was never to manifest into anything of substance....maybe I am thinking to deep or maybe not. But in today's society, a lot of people my age take things for face value and don't have morals or standards to adhere to.
But as my ramble on keeping your word ends.....just remember if you take nothing from this post, just be true to yourself and keep your word.

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