
My Current January Obsessions!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

My Current January Obsessions

The Music I A Obsessed with....

I am currently obsessed with Banks! I think she is beyond amazing! Her voice is very unique and she has a sound or style that isn't the usual. I really like her because she isn't mainstream and I find that very interesting. I like things that don't have all that glitz and glamour to it. For example before Drake became mainstream and when no one had ever seen him and he only had his mix tape out, that's when I was in love with him. But Banks has that edgy feel to her, she is a true gem. I kind of want her to stay the way she is, I want to keep her my little secret because I don't want her to be "pop" like some other artist have gone. But I don't think she I know this girl (lol) but anyway I listen to her morning, noon and night. Honey likes her too but I think I Banks him out when we went to D.C. because that's ALL we listened to while we got dressed and even slept...and the only reason we didn't listen to her while we were traveling was because we caught the metro every where!

I am also obsessed with Tokimonsta! She is amazeballs. Now Honey put me on her and she is one that he never tires of. I like to lay and think and listen to her. Her instrumentals are amazing! I only wish she had a tour on the east/southern coast. But if she ever comes to G.A., S.C., D.C. or N.C. I am so there!!!! So I hope she reads this because I am so sending shameless plugs to her!! lol My favorite song by her is Darkest Dim. It takes me to another place and I don't do drugs or anything but its almost something like having your mind altered....or maybe its just good music to think to. Most music I listen to is "thinking music".

But anyway, try these ladies will be pleased.

The Makeup Guru I Am Obsessed With...

I love to find new people to follow on ig with similar interest and I found this one girl named Amrezy. I found her initially because she is one of the faces of the hair extensions I wear and I liked her look and ended up following her. On the outside she is gorg! And although I don't know her in person but she seems like a real cool girl....from ig of course. I love her style and how versatile she is with her me! One day I will have my clips in and the next they will be on my dresser and I am rocking my own lol But aside from hair, if you're looking for someone to get makeup tips from...check her out. When I do my make up and wear my natural hair, I call it my "Amrezy look" one day I will take my photo and post it so you guys can see my "Amrezy look" lol

The Necklace I Am Obsessed With...

I actually have quite a few of necklaces I am obsessed with!!! The turtle shell necklace with rhinestones and turquoise jewels, I purchased at Old Navy and believe it or not their jewelry is very trendy and glitzy...just how I like it! The T loves B necklace made by Early August is personalized just for ME! It means Tamia loves Brian (Honey). The Hamsa necklace is near and dear to my heart because it protects you from evil spirits i.e. the evil eye and its prominent in African and ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths it is a protective sign. It brings it's owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. And I don't know about ya'll, but I can use all of the happiness, luck, health and good fortune I can get! And lastly, is the pretty glitzy necklace and its my newest glitz piece and it was given to me by one of my dearest and best friends for Christmas.

Vitamins I Am Obsessed With...

I am currently taking hair, skin and nails vitamins by Natures Bounty. You can get them anywhere I purchased mine at Wal-Mart but they are amazing! I used to use Hairfinity, and they were good too but I had experienced really bad breakouts while using them and SHE cannot have breakouts...its bad enough I have adult acne around my cycle. (smh)

Empire The Tv Show, I Am Obsessed...

Even though it is only in episode 2, I am completely obsessed with this show!! It has all the right actors, writers and producers! If you have never seen it, I suggest you youtube the first 2 episodes and sit back and enjoy. Terrance Howard and Taraji P. Henson work so well together. Their chemistry is amazing. I cannot wait until Wednesdays at 9pm!

So these are some of my January Obsessions, what do you obsess over?

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