
Nothing Was The Same: How Today's Generation is Oversexed, Lack Morals & Self Respect

Saturday, May 23, 2015

This blog is not for the naïve, faint of heart, clueless or unaware people of the world. They just won't get this...
As a young twenty-something living, working and trying to do good in the "hood", I have noticed a lot of debauchery in the world and especially with my generation. If you aren't sure what generation you are in, I'm sure if you're reading this blog you are a Millennial. If you were born within the years of 1981-2000 you are apart, connected, grouped with the youth of today. You know the ones that don't have a type, but the only women they like are know the rest.
This is our youth, we are one. But have you wondered why there has been a slight curve within the millennial group? Money, cars, clothes and sex have always been a popular topic with the masses, but with this generation...from personal experience and mere observations, the millennial babies have taken this and literally ran with this for decades and its only becoming more of an issue.
SPOILER ALERT: I am going to touch on the reasons why I think this generation is oversexed, lack morals & self respect....or respect in general.
Let's state the obvious, I am a Millennial. The things that I am going to talk about, I probably thought was cool or acceptable. It has only been since I have opened my eyes and in other words, matured have I seen the light.
I am not going to sugar coat anything, our generation is completely oversexed. I had a conversation with a cousin a few months back and we both came to the reason why our generation is you may not agree with us, but our take raises valid points. Today's generation are followers. Followers in the sense that having more followers on social media makes you relevant, important in some sense. How do you get more followers? Sex appeal. Sex appeal is the end all and be all on social media. Which in turn makes everyone trying to obtain that validation of "being somebody" go above and beyond (Buzz Lightyear voice) on these networking sights.
I have seen women bare it all. I'm sure you have too. I have seen pen (short for penis) pictures circulating and greasy six packs as well...and I think to myself...don't these people know that once you post something online, its embedded online forever!...unless you have Beyoncé money and can pay someone to delete it. But, most people in the world aren't banking to that extent and cannot afford that, so that scantily clad outfit, penis pic and whatever else one choices to post for a like will be there when you apply for a job, and most importantly...for your children to see. (Someone is rolling there eyes...right about...NOW!)
The youth is also oversexed because...well...its EASY. Today, a man doesn't have to work and court a woman like in the olden days of the Baby Boomers or Generation X. They're all consumed with being a "baddie" or a "woe" (I may have used that out of term, because I'm not sure exactly what that means lol) It's like the more people you have sex with, the more clout you have and to frankly speak, that's disgusting.
Standing on my soap box: The reason I think this generation is so oversexed is because of the media. The way they portray celebrities. Think about it, lets take Beyoncé...she is a phenomenal performer, she is gorgeous. The media has put her and other gorgeous women of Hollywood on a pedestal & that leaves the average woman of the world left seeing her brother, dad, cousin, & significant other ogling over this woman (& the many others) and she internally wants to reproduce what she sees. And what does she do? She changes her image. She buys clothing that mimic what she sees and what she thinks will get her the attention of the opposite sex. And I don't mean dressing in barely there clothing, it can be anything that gives her that confidence she needs to feel like somebody.
Then you take the young man, he wants the money, cars and clothes to mimic the celebrities he sees with all the women. And he does the same as what the girl does who idolizes Beyoncé. This is a mixture for disaster because now you have young people fueled with the same desire. The young male is just trying to have clout within his friends to have this girl and that girl and goes out to find these women....notice I used THESE & WOMEN, in the plural sense.
Now our young man has found our young lady that we spoke about in the beginning and she easily and willingly gives up her precious gift thinking she may have found the one or just a good time. But the young man isn't solely interested in her and seeks the thrill of the next young woman who is mimicking what she sees in the media. And this my friends is a cycle. These young women make it so easy for these young men because there are a lack of morals and self respect. And I cannot put it all on the young women because we see the male is apart of the problem as well.
What happened to knowing your worth...and I mean that for both sexes. One answer, the media. People don't believe or they simply avoid the power of media, it can be a good thing and then the media can be as evil as the devil. And that's why its so important why we as a generation open our eyes and see that wealth, sex and importance don't stem from materialistic entities and the more you chase after that golden horse, the less happy you'll be and you'll be another fatality of the media.
At time in my life, I was naïve and I thought those things made me, I wasn't important without labels or knowing what celebrity did what...but it wasn't until I realized what truly is going on in the world and how lost our generation really is, that I decided to make myself aware of our issues. With writing this blog, if  I can get one person to step back and think, that could change the direction of our generation. And when I say "think" I don't mean you have to agree with me....I just want you to THINK. Step away from yourself and really evaluate yourself. Are you putting too much emphasis on the what nots of the world?

1 comment:

  1. You make some great points but you've also got to bare in mind that not everyone is so passive to the media and what is produced. Some and I say that loosely, are able to decode the fact that Beyoncé is a boss and therefore only take that quality. But do I agree with you in some sense; most definitely. And something needs to change



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