
Genuine Happiness

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What does it mean to be genuinely happy?

Many of you are still figuring this out, myself included...but I think I am on my way to that genuinely happy state of being.

I am learning how to wake up in the morning and be happy with my surroundings, family, job and place in the world. I used to wake up and not take for granted the day or the fact that I woke up, but I was just so past the fact that I wasn't where I wanted to be in life.

I realized that I shouldn't have preconceived notions about where I should be in my life, because God has me exactly where he wants me. And once I let go of my thoughts and other people's ideas of where I should be, life became so much easier and better.

For once in my life, I can stop and smell the roses and actually smell them and appreciate them. I take my time now and just live and love in the moment. I let my inner me shine and I feel so free, I can be the me I am supposed to be and not the me I think I should be (or who others think I should be).

So, my definition of being genuinely happy is as follows: Wake up thankful not for what you have or your status in the world, but for the simple fact that you woke up and you have an opportunity to live, love and learn. When you can do this in spite of your situation, you have reached my idea of what genuinely happy is.

Tell me what is your idea of being genuinely happy?

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