

Monday, May 18, 2015

As always, my weekend was slam packed! I am in NO way complaining because...just this time last year I was down and out and was just lost in life. It is so crazy how God can turn things around for you when you completely give him all the control in your life.

So back to my weekend! I had been running around tying up loose ends for a event here, there and not to mention my part-time counseling gig. But on Saturday, I helped my trainer put on her first Women's Health Expo. It was amazing! There were vendors from Arbonne (All natural weight lose and cosmetics), Cone Health (Hospital), DoTerra (Natural Aromatherapy Oils) mini testimony: my thumb and wrist have been hurting me since last November, Casey (DoTerra rep) gave me this cream and in literally in moments my wrist and thumb felt lie, Saladworks, Lowes Food, Macy's, Boho Blu (Clothing Store) and one more vendor I forgot.....sorry. Anyway you guys get the point. We had a consignment sale and massage therapist giving away free massages! It was an overall wonderful event and I know April will continue to build this event and her business, because for a first time event....I think it was awesome.

Although everything was a amazing, one woman stood out to me. Her name is Jean Bailey Robor. When April first told me she was going to be one of the speakers and that she was the author of "She Has A Big 'But'", I totally thought she would be speaking of having a big butt (literally) and giving tips on how to deflate that thang!

However, I was wrong. Jean spoke about being empowered and conquering fears, hence the play on words...."She Has a Big 'But'". Afterwards when we had some down time and could network and talk to each other, she randomly came up and began a conversation with me. Although I am outspoken, I have to muster up a tremendous amount of effort to introduce myself to people. Having said that, I am glad she did. We started off with light chatter about April and how wonderful the event was and etc. And then we started talking about a product that her daughter and her daughter's husband sells called Beard ironic is that?

Everyone who knows me well, knows Honey has a beard that I HATE! Its scratchy, long and just yucky!....its not bad, he keeps it well groomed, I just have to make it sound good. But I got information on this Beard Oil so I could of course take it back to Honey and this can be yet another product he uses on his beloved beard.

But then we just began to talk. And you know how you talk to someone and it's never a dull moment and you chat and chat? Well that's what happened. We left each other to mingle some more and surprisingly at the end, she gave me a signed copy of her book. I was truly honored as she told me she always finds one person to give her book to and she chose me for this event. I thought that was so sweet! You just don't meet genuinely sweet people like Jean anymore.

Moving to Sunday. I had to work my counseling gig and had some down time, so I decided to whip out Jean's book. I was so caught up in the book, I completely read the entire book in one sitting. It was so moving. It was about 15 short stories about different women who had BIG 'BUTS' in their lives and didn't have the courage or strength to want better out of their respective situations until they found strength in themselves they didn't know they had to do better and ultimately fly into their destinies.

This book is what I needed at this particular time. I am a naturally motivated person but sometimes I get weary and need some extra motivation and that's exactly what I received from reading this book. Each woman in this book can be relatable to each reader and that's the beauty of it....its just real. Its honest and open. Jean doesn't hold back or I guess I could say these ladies don't hold back on their shortcomings and become transparent, which is often what we as women deflect from. We like to portray we live wonderful little lives just to put on a show for others. Obviously, if you allow yourself to be transparent, you can not only help yourself but most importantly help someone else.

Overall my weekend was amazballs! And I loved and enjoyed making a new friend. I suggest everyone, men included to check out Jean's Website and her books. They were so inspirational and uplifting and that's what the world needs a little more of!

Love & Peace

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