
Keep Your Head Up: An Ode To My Friend

Thursday, May 28, 2015

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If you Google what "life" means, you will see...."the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death."
If you are just reading this and taking this for face value, none of this will resonate with you. And to be completely honest, the only thing that stands out to me is the "continual change preceding death" part. Whomever wrote this definition or this one part that stuck out to me, either wrote this as blandly as possible just have a short and sweet definition or they haven't been through any real life struggle. I mean how humdrum is that last part? If you ask me, its VERY!
The overall definition is disconnected from any social norm I am used too.
Life is so much more than continual change preceding death. Life is beautiful, fun and has so many adventures...I mean the possibilities are endless with this thing called life. I have a couple of people in my circle who are experiencing the downside of life right now, meaning things aren't going their way. I can completely understand their plight, I have had things fall through or not even come to pass in my favor. 
What I want them and the reader to know is trouble won't last always. And I want to take back my statement of "downside" to life because there is no downside of life when you can open your eyes and take a breath. And I know you're thinking, 'yea, but that's easy for you to're not going through anything'. Well, that's the problem. You have to take yourself out of negative situations and having a pessimistic mind.
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The beauty of life is the unknown. I have fully embraced the unknown and honestly, I feel as though my life has completely done a 180 from last year. I tried to plan life, and I had a rude awakening when nothing went as planned. I had no job which caused monetary issues, I moved back home to Greensboro (which ended up being a blessing) the one place I tried to run from ended up being the very place that saved my life. I was able to surround myself with family and friends, and although my situation didn't change overnight...never the less it changed.
I am not ashamed of my story and if you ever meet me, I will and can go deeper into my testimony because I look at everything I went through as an opportunity to help the next person.
What I am trying to say is, no matter what life throws at you, no matter how bad things seem...never give up! Never stop praying. If you don't believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord & Savior, believe in someone. And pray to that person for guidance and strength. And you can overcome any adversity that presents itself in your life.
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You're going to have bad days, I know life is not sunshine and butterflies everyday, but
 everyday you wake up is another chance at life. Another chance to overcome your struggle, another chance to right a wrong and another chance to live and become the person you truly want to be.
Don't you know that diamonds are made under pressure? This trial you are going through is merely a test, and I cannot wait until you can share your testimony with the next person because when you can openly share with someone and see the expression of hope come across their face, it is PRICELESS.
Love and Light to all, especially my friend.

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